Fan Connect Hub - Privacy Policy


    1. Execution of the Contract:

    The processing of your personal data is necessary for the acquisition of preliminary information for the conclusion of the contracts you will enter into with the Data Controller, for the completion and execution of the contract

    Failure to provide the requested data will make it impossible for the Data Controller to continue with your registration on the Site.

    2. Shipping of the order:

    The Data Controller will process your personal data exclusively for the time necessary to manage the existing contract between you and the Data Controller. In any case, your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years from the termination of the contract

    Failure to provide data will make it impossible for the company to follow up on your pre-contractual / contractual requests, to provide the service and / or perform the contract

    3. Web Treatment:

    Sending requests through web platform tools. Your personal data may be processed by the Data Controller to satisfy your requests made by writing to one of the e-mail addresses available on the Site or by filling out the registration and / or contact forms on the Site

    The data collected for this purpose will be processed for the time strictly necessary to satisfy your request and subsequently kept for 10 years after the request is processed

    4. Legal obligations:

    Mandatory retention of documents to comply with legal obligations such as contracts, documents, invoices prescribed by the legal system

    Your personal data will be processed for this purpose for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations established by current legislation. In this regard, your personal data will be kept for 10 years from the termination of the contract or, if later, from a binding decision issued by an authority competent to do so (for example, court ruling), without prejudice to any retention obligations relating to particular categories of data, for longer periods of time, prescribed by the legal system

    5. Marketing:

    Marketing conducted for legitimate interestThe Data Controller intends to process your personal data in order to send you commercial communications of products and services of the Data Controller, including direct marketing conducted using the results of the analysis or profiling activity, as well as proceed with direct sales and the carrying out of surveys or market research. The processing involves the processing of data for the simple purpose of sending the user communications regarding additional features, products and services offered strictly related to the relationship between the parties.

    The processing of personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller. These legitimate interests include the case of sending the user promotional material about its products and services. The Data Controller believes that the user has a reasonable expectation that this type of data processing will be carried out. The interested party, in fact, cannot but expect that the Data Controller does not carry out a processing of his personal data precisely because this is aimed at pursuing a legitimate interest.